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Make Time for Marketing

Make Time for Marketing

Most of the time we “find time” to do the things we know must be done. There’s only 24 hours in a day, so the time will be taken away from sleep, family, or me time. I don’t know about you, but my list of things to do grow bigger everyday. However, what I’ve learned is to prioritize and make time for those things that are necessary for business growth. Let’s first talk about managing your time. You can spend most of your day dealing with customer or employee issues and when you take a breath; the whole day has slipped away. Multi-tasking is an important skill to learn when you are a business owner. Having the ability to juggle a variety of things at one time will help you accomplish tasks quickly while allowing time for other things. To manage your time more effectively, review the “to do” list and pick out the items that are urgent, necessary, and will generate revenue. Once you have done that, it will be clear how to prioritize your list. Marketing should be included in the category of generate revenue and you would want to generate revenue everyday if possible. So, now that you have your priorities straight, here’s how you can make time for marketing. Hire interns from your local college to come in and help you… Continue Reading

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Stand Out From the Crowd with Social Visibility

Stand Out From the Crowd with Social Visibility

Being noticed in the marketplace can be difficult when hundreds of competitors are going after the same customer. Traditional marketing is still a great way to gain some new clients. However, have you really considered your social media efforts? One of the greatest benefits of social media is the boost from people talking about your brand online and the added visibility that equals opportunity. When you do the right things on social media, you are discovered and will generate new business. Establishing a strong social brand is the first step to making social visibility effective. Your brand consists of the key marketing message you want your target audience to hear and the image (logo, symbol, personal image) you want portrayed. The reason we are all familiar with major brands like Walmart, McDonalds, Nike is because they have spent millions and millions of dollars marketing their brands to us so they can stay top of mind. However, small businesses don’t have the million-dollar budget to get exposure. Because of the internet and Social media, your business has the opportunity to grow with a much smaller budget. Social sites Make sure your brand image is consistent across all social platforms so that you’re easily recognized. Be sure you get a vanity URL Build your audience by joining group discussions, writing sharable content; engage followers by inviting conversation,… Continue Reading

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